
Case Studies

BIG4 Holiday Parks - Re-platforming with Covaler

BIG 4 Holiday Parks  - Re-platforming with Covaler


BIG4 Holiday Parks of Australia, a leading holiday park network, faced critical issues with their outdated website and booking platform. The existing system was hampering scalability, resulting in performance limitations and hindrances to customer acquisition and service.


Proposed Solution:

BIG4 approached Covaler to address these challenges. Covaler embarked on a journey to transform BIG 4's digital infrastructure.

The proposed solution included:

- Integration Layer: Covaler designed an integration layer that seamlessly incorporated all third-party platforms and solutions, enhancing security, scalability, and overall system performance.

- Availability Cache: Covaler introduced a cache system that contained site availability information, reducing the reliance on third-party systems. This significantly improved the system's overall performance.

- Business Process Improvements: Covaler streamlined BIG4'spayment processes and enabled the inclusion of various payment options for customers, enhancing user experience.

- Content Management Platform: Covaler introduced a content management platform, empowering BIG4's marketing team to manage content and enhance their marketing capabilities more efficiently.


User Experience Enhancement:

Covaler engaged third-party digital agencies to enhance the user experience, ensuring that the new platform was customer-centric.


Deployment Turnaround:

This ambitious project, encompassing various facets of digital transformation, was completed within a remarkable 6-month period.


Success Factors:

The project yielded two major benefits for BIG4:

- Revenue Growth: The improved conversion rates, scalability, and reliability of the platform contributed to a staggering 5-fold increase in revenue. The streamlined processes and enhanced user experience played pivotal roles in achieving this growth.

- Flexibility and Adaptability: Covaler's solution provided the flexibility to continually enhance and adapt the system to integrate with various vendors, catering to evolving business requirements as BIG4 continued to grow and adapt to market changes.


General Comments:

This project not only resolved BIG4's immediate technical challenges but also positioned them to seize opportunities in a rapidly changing market. By modernizing their digital infrastructure, BIG4 was well-prepared for the next stage in their business evolution.

The collaboration between BIG4 Holiday Parks of Australia and Covaler showcases the transformative power of innovative technical solutions. It's a testament to how strategic investments in digital infrastructure can drive revenue growth and adaptability in the face of changing market dynamics.

This case study highlights how Covaler's expertise and technical solutions revitalised BIG4 Holiday Parks online presence, propelling them toward significant revenue growth and a more adaptive, scalable future.